Watch: Wholesale experts discuss e-commerce future

There’s no escaping the importance of e-commerce in the future of wholesale – and it’s a topic many businesses are still grappling with to get right.

To get to the bottom of what best practice should look like, Wholesale News teamed up with four of the sector’s biggest brands – Red Bull, Diageo, PepsiCo and Mars Wrigley – to hold a workshop that challenged the industry’s digital experts to come up with solutions.

Alongside gurus from the quartet of suppliers, a host of wholesalers and service providers also attended to form three groups, each tackling different aspects of the e-commerce debate. Representatives from the likes of Bestway, Brakes and JW Filshill are at the centre of the discussions, sharing the knowledge and views on where the industry should be heading.

Between them, the teams are looking at how digital can aid the in-depot experience, what best-in-class service looks like and how using technology in the right way will be the key driver for convenience and loyalty, across both retail and foodservice.

Get a flavour of the ideas the group came up with by watching our video below. If it whets your appetite, keep an eye out for February’s edition for our six-page special covering the day.

Bestway Brakes Diageo e-commerce hackathon HT Drinks Indus Foods JW Filshill Mars Wrigley PepsiCo Red Bull wholesale