Nisa Retail becomes latest new FWD member

FWD has signed up Nisa Retail to join its ever-growing membership as the convenience retailer adds its voice to the sector.

Supplying more than 1,400 retail partners and in excess of 4,500 stores, Nisa is expected to give FWD greater lobbying power when they represent wholesalers to convenience stores and independent retailers.

Nisa’s membership means FWD can speak to government with the full support of the retail wholesale sector, while adding an important element to the trade association’s Bringing Wholesale Together supplier networking programme.

It’s not the first time Nisa has featured as part of FWD’s memberships, with Nisa-Today’s a regular within the group before the separation in 2011.

“Nisa has been the missing piece of the jigsaw since the de-merger of Nisa-Today’s and we’re delighted to have them back alongside their colleagues in wholesale,” said FWD Chief Executive James Bielby.

“In these uncertain times, our greatest strength is to be able to call on the experience and advice of the entire sector, and to be able to take their concerns and requests forward to government with one voice.

“We’re also delighted to welcome Nisa as part of Co-op, with its Co-operative Wholesale Society heritage.

“Everyone at FWD looks forward to a new relationship which benefits both Nisa partners and the wholesale sector.”

Nisa was acquired by Co-op in 2018 and has a turnover of £1.5 billion, so their support for FWD’s membership is a big coup and comes on the back of greengrocers Reynolds joining last month.

“The Nisa business has a strong history and reputation in the wholesale industry and so we’re delighted to join the FWD, returning to an organisation we have enjoyed a positive and mutually beneficial relationship with over the years,” added Nisa Retail’s Sales Director Steve Leach.

“We hope to share experience and best practice with our peers through the leading trade association for wholesalers to provide greater benefits to our partners and other wholesalers across the UK.”

coronavirus covid-19 FWD membership Nisa Nisa Retail retail wholesale