Wholesale Stars: FWD’s Skills, Training and Apprenticeship Awards

FWD is launching a new set of awards for people who are investing in developing their skills through apprenticeships, training or academic study, with the support of their employer

The Wholesale Stars (Skills, Training and Apprenticeship) Awards will be presented at the House of Commons on April 18th and all FWD supplier and wholesaler members are invited to attend.

The winners will be introduced to their local MPs with the aim of demonstrating that wholesalers are vital employers in the UK and are committed to upskilling the workforce. Enlisting the help of MPs to ensure the government recognises and support this effort and investment is a vital part of FWD’s engagement strategy.

The event is a chance for all FWD members to network with their MPs and other highly influential Parliamentary advocates for the sector.

“We have an enormous number of people in all kinds of roles within wholesale who are building their skills through external and internal training and development,” said David Visick, FWD Director of Communications.

“Their employers back them in this because we all need those skills in our sector, and we should champion the people who are committed to building their career in wholesale. Both the individuals and the companies deserve recognition, and that’s what the Wholesale Stars is all about.”

Only wholesalers can submit nominations, which can be for people of any age or experience, and from any discipline across the wholesale sector.

If you are an FWD member and would like to come and join us in Parliament on 18 April from 3-5pm, please submit this registration form.

Awards David Visick FWD House of Commons Skills and training Wholesale Stars