NBC swing into action

Buying group NBC sponsored a community golf day and raffle, raising more than £1,000 for a local cancer charity

The Arthingworth Open, played at The Cold Ashby Golf Club, Northamptonshire, is now an annual event, incorporating a charity raffle in memory of Cathy Newman, a previous winner.

David Lunt, MD said: “It was a really great day, despite my golf swing, and it was an absolute pleasure to support a fun event but more importantly helping to contribute to the charity raffle that can make such a difference to people’s lives through the cancer charity’s work.”

On behalf of the cancer charities, Barry Newman said: “We have been really pleased with the charity raffle in recent years but the sponsorship provided by David and his company has made such a difference and Cathy would be chuffed to bits about the local communities contribution to such a great cause”.

charity David Lunt event NBC