Confex celebrates its green kings
Green wholesalers recognised for their eco-friendly approaches
A host of green wholesalers were recognised for their efforts to keep their businesses eco-friendly at the Confex Green Wholesaler Awards.
The buying group’s annual competition aims to champion their members that see a link between environmental issues and best business practices – and with a record number of entrants this year, it seems to be working.
From installing docking hook ups for refrigerated vehicles and rainwater harvesting, to condensing deliveries and installing solar panels, Confex’s members have been busy finding innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint.
There were six winners on the night, which was held after the company’s trade show, with smiles all round as the gongs were given out.
This year’s winners are:
Best Retail Member
Right Price
Piyush Patel
Unit C, Cross Point Dist Park, Hayes
Best Retail Runner Up
Kentish Match
Matthew Moare
Orpington, Kent
Best Foodservice Member
Penta Foods
Saran Matharu
Penta House, Lynchford Lane, Farnborough, Hants
Best Foodservice Runner Up
Fresh Island Foods
Stewart Buttle
Sheffield, Lancs
Best Practice Member
Atoz Catering
Trevor Richman
Brother House, 14 Cranford way, London
Best Practice Runner Up
GWD – Convenience
David Storey
Halifax, Yorkshire