GroceryAid Awareness Day

GroceryAid awareness day is a hit

Industry charity enjoys wide-scale support to promote its services

More than 60 companies from across the grocery industry supported GroceryAid’s first ever awareness day.

Taking place on 26 February, wholesalers, retailers and manufacturers got behind the event, with 19 showing their support for the charity’s awareness activities for the first time.

The day was devised to make more colleagues aware of the free support GroceryAid offers to all employees within the grocery sector – whether it’s advice for financial, mental health or legal issues.

The array of activities, including in-house meetings, distributed materials and sharing #GroceryAidDay on social media.

Next year’s GroceryAid Awareness Day has already been announced for 3 March 2020.

“We’ve been really pleased to see the industry step up and raise awareness of GroceryAid to their teams over the last few weeks,” said Marketing Communications Manager Helen Kershaw.

“GroceryAid offers a helping hand to everyone working in the industry, be it emotional, financial or practical support and the awareness activities undertaken will help ensure more colleagues know about the charity and know where to turn for assistance. Our thanks to all of the companies and individuals who made the initiative such a success.”

awareness day charity GroceryAid retailers Support welfare Wholesalers