Ask FWD: The Wholesale and Convenience Standards & Dignity Charter
FWD and ACS have come together to relaunch an initiative to make sure everyone feels comfortable at industry events. But what’s it really all about?
Events season is upon us…
Yes, the wholesale channel is finally back to face-to-face meetings, conferences, dinners and networking events and that’s why this is a good time to relaunch the Standards & Dignity Charter, which simply reminds attendees at such events to treat each other with respect.
What does that mean?
It’s still possible to witness behaviour by individuals at industry gatherings that belongs in the last century. Whether it’s thoughtless, intended as ‘banter’ or alcohol-induced, there’s no place in the wholesale and convenience sector for harassment or abuse that demeans, embarrasses or disrespects someone who’s there in a work capacity. We’re asking event organisers to sign up to the charter to reassure attendees they will be mixing with colleagues and contacts who will follow the highest standards of conduct.
Can this be enforced?
Yes it can and the charter recommends that event organisers publish a process for ensuring that behaviour which falls sort of the agreed standards can be reported and dealt with seriously and confidentially for both parties.
But it shouldn’t come to that?
You would hope not. This charter promotes common sense principles around good behaviour, which most people will respect, but it’s reassuring to have a reminder in the form of the Standards & Dignity badge on the event’s promotional materials.
Does this really still need to be spelled out like this?
This isn’t just about making everyone already in our sector feel comfortable and welcome in work settings. It’s about how our sector presents itself to new recruits and the public in general. We need the best talents and the widest range of potential new leaders we can attract and we all benefit from a more diverse workplace. So people of any gender, ethnicity, age or sexual orientation must be made to feel welcome, valued and respected in wholesale and convenience – and yes, we do still sometimes need to remind ourselves of that.
So what do we do?
Contact and we’ll send you the Standards & Dignity logo to display on event materials. That’s it – we’ll add your logo to the charter and you’re all signed up.