Orderlion is an eCommerce operating system designed to digitise order handling for food & beverage wholesalers

The cost of running a wholesale business is rising across the board, from labor expenses to utility bills. Orderlion is already partnering with many FWD members to help reduce internal costs and boost revenue. By streamlining order processing and minimising costly mistakes, our solutions offer significant efficiencies:
Orderlion App: A tailored application that promotes products and simplifies the ordering process and communication for customers.

Field Sales App: Enhancing the capabilities of field sales teams.

Orderlion Inbox (AI-generated): This innovative tool converts orders from various formats (email, voicemail, WhatsApp, amongst platforms) directly into your ERP/Accounting system, eliminating the need for manual order entry.

With these solutions, Orderlion helps businesses save time and reduce errors, ultimately driving growth and efficiency.

WDS customer testimonial

Mr. Fruity customer testimonial