Stock and resources sharing

15.08.20 Frozen guidance

FWD are among the signatories on new guidance to help businesses manage frozen stock approaching the end of its shelf life to avoid significant amounts of food waste, which has been produced by the BFFF and is also supported by Food Minister Victoria Prentis, and Ben Elliot the Food Surplus and Waste Prevention Champion for Defra.

Best Before End guidance

WRAP’s guidance on Best Before End dates has been updated to include soft drinks, in conjunction with the British Soft Drinks Association. The guidance, which will updated online,  states the following timeframes as a guide for ambient soft drinks:

1 month for all ambient soft drinks (regardless of pack type) except
3 months for all ambient full-sugar drinks and water in non-permeable packs (e.g. glass, cans and pouches).
Visual check to confirm pack and seal integrity

Food redistribution support

The Government has announced a £3 million fund for organisations redistributing safe surplus food to those who need it during the coronavirus outbreak. All food redistribution businesses and charities will be encouraged to bid for grants over the coming month, including those whose volunteer programmes have been affected by social distancing measures or those that cannot access their usual commercial support network. Some of this may be able to able to be accessed by wholesalers writing off stock, and FWD is working with the Cabinet Office to get clarification.


Chilled and frozen

Since the closure of the hospitality sector, the supply chain into the Out of Home market is overstocked with chilled products that are fast approaching the end of their shelf life. Some frozen stock may be adding to the issue.

BFFF in conjunction with the FWD and PTF has launched a platform on the BFFF website to collate data on this stock. Here you can list details of the top ten chilled and frozen lines you have overstocks on plus the total value of stock under threat.

BBF has also issued guidance on which products can be frozen and how, and a list of facilities offering blast freezing and storage

WRAP is working with Defra, and through its Courtauld 2025 Redistribution network to provide guidance to food businesses, and facilitating the identification of those who could receive surplus. A link to WRAPs food surplus network database is at
WRAP has also set up a dedicated email address for enquiries around food surplus:

Feeding the Nation

This project is being led by John Vincent, founder of Leon, to help with divert food originally destined for the out-of-home market direct to the public, via a website which acts as an on-line market place where the public can buy from suppliers – with suppliers fulfilling then orders themselves, direct to consumers. 1-2% commission will be taken by Feeding the Nation to support the work Leon is doing for NHS workers.

 Company Shop

A redistributor of surplus food and products, Company Shop has direct distribution channels into frontline workers (NHS, emergency service and FMCG), and to disadvantaged communities

Company Shop can purchase surplus stock, providing a financial return on stock that may otherwise go to waste. This is then discounted to frontline workers in hospitals, emergency services and within supply chains.

Foodbanks and charity redistributors

IGD has been working with the food and consumer goods industry, food surplus charity FareShare, and other charitable food redistributors, to safeguard a consistent supply of food those who rely on foodbanks for their daily food essentials.

FareShare will directly contact those companies which have already pledged to help in order to organise next steps.

For companies which would still like to make a pledge please contact IGD via


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